Hi Y'all!
Sorry that I've been AWOL for the last little while. A lot has been happening and in all conscience I couldn't really take the time out to blog. I'd feel terribly guilty about it in the face of the mountain of work that is always waiting for me here at BTW. Nevertheless, here's what's been up with me:
I went to Toronto for an audition for Driftwood Theatre. Didn't get the part, but hey, audition experience is a good thing.
My best friend Quincy got a callback for Stratford and is going down there this Sunday! I'm very proud of him.
I'm about to submit my name for an audition for a Centaur Theatre show going up next spring. Please send all your good vibes my way!
My voice is completely scrapped and has been for the past two months, so I'm really worried about it. Also afraid to go to a doctor in case it's bad news. Not logical, but I will face the truth in the next six days.
Rehearsals for Seven Stories are going really well, and we got the cover of the QDF booklet this spring, which is amazing.
I saw some really great theatre this month, particularly the BTW mainstage production, blood[claat]. d'bi young anitafrika is one of the most incredible performers I have EVER seen.
Last week I was so sick, I spent almost the entire week in bed.
I turned 33 years old last Sunday.
Vitamin B complex is the secret to happy vibes.
I love y'all and miss you very much. If you get the chance, check out Seven Stories at the Theatre Ste. Catherine. The show runs from April 30-May 10.