I admit it...
I am a Harry Potter geek, I have written editorials on fansites and I'm waiting for my book to be shipped to me on Saturday. A very sensible friend of mine said: but no post comes on Saturdays. Well.
Never mind, I'm going to blithely ignore that bit of common sense. Hey, the Dursleys got their post on that fateful Sunday, didn't they?
(I know you're quietly judging me, but I'm frankly beyond caring, because one way or another, I'll have the Half-Blood Prince to keep me warm. At least for a weekend.)
Oh, and Kay was saying that she wanted to see a picture of me with a sunburn. Well, happily there were no pictures taken since I stupidly crisped myself in my mom's backyard last Monday, and absolutely none since the wretched thing has begun to peel, but I can show you the last decent(in a manner of speaking) pic of moi before the whole sorry business went down.
Chez Brian, with Fabian, Mom and Lianne. And Brian's pit bull, Chaka. Wasn't sure if she was waiting for me to play with her or looking for which part of me to start eating first. Apparently, my parents weren't so sure either. In the end, she wanted to play, but my regret about my wardrobe choice displaying potential meal items on the menu to a pit bull returned in full force once I saw the picture. Ai-yai-yai! The thunderthighs! Oh well. The Awang women have always had big legs. Whatcha gonna do?
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