Heh heh.
Actually, I'm just fired up about this week. It's full of theatre and all the good stuff I like so much. last night, I was with the Youthworks girls, working on their performance piece that'll be going up in May. It's so awesome.
However, tonight, I've got an interview on CKUT to plug the school tour. H'ray. I'm a little nervous about that. I'm never as articulate as I want to be under pressure. Oh well.
Tonight I'm going to see Criminals in Love at the DB Clarke. Some friends of mine are in it, and the play is actually a pretty funny one, although a little absurd. George F. Walker. I don't know if I like his work or not. Anyway, does it matter?
Tomorrow, I'm going to see Ghislaine's dance show at Tangeante. I'm fired up! I haven't seen her dance in over a year!
Saturday, I'm taking Angie to see Johnny Canuck. Whee-ha! Sunday, it's closing night for the burlesque, and I plan to rock out my costume. Can't wait!
Ended up with the day off, so now, I can have a leisurely session at the gym, and then actually get some reports filed for Youthworks, I've fallen a bit behind. It'll be nice to feel like I'm earning all of my paychecks. I do earn them (believe me!), it's just that sometimes I think I could be giving more and better than I am at present.
Criminals in Love?! OMG, remember, that was the first play I did? What a train wreck... here's hoping this version was at least ten times better. :D
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