Miss Thang
is emerging triumphant and as fabulous as I wanna be! Y'all gots to show me some love, and I ain't too proud to beg for it! D'you wanna see the fabulous pics Neil took of me? They're not finished yet, but I think he made me look gooooood....

Cute huh?
C'mon you can tell me, I won't get a swelled head, I promise!
Big bisous to all of you, I love y'all so much! I have amazing friends and family, and I hug you and kiss you *m'wah!*
And in case you wanted to come see the show, it's SOLD OUT! 'Cause we are da BOMB! Your best bet now is to try to gatecrash. I shouldn't feel so gleeful, but I do! We even added an extra matinee, which sold out a day later! H'ray!
Happy Birthday Tam Tam... hope you have a great part!. (And I love the black and white pic...)
... damnit, that was last night. I have no time for a life during the week. :(
Thanks Babes, I think I shall stick with the black and white one.
Bill...Momma...thanks for coming out and for all the nirthday goodies, and I can't wait for our litchi martini night!
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