Wednesday, May 24, 2006

When the in the 7th howwwwse....

Ah do declare....

I hope those sparks I'm seeing aren't the beginnings of a migraine. I'm certain it's not a psychodelic drug trip (since those are so, like, last Tuesday). No, but seriously. This doesn't look good for the good guys.

Is it a subconscious desire to avoid work that is manifesting itself? Do I have Munchausen Syndrome?

Oh, actually, now that I've actually looked it up, it would appear that a major factor is the desire for attention and sympathy. Well, I've never used physical ailments to garner sympathy, I just talk about my failed marriage to get that!

Hyuk! Hyuk! Heeheeheeheehoohoohoohoohahaha!
WAH-ha! Wha-ha! Ha. Ha.
Hee hee hee hee.

(Okay, seriously though, you know I'm kidding about all that, right?)

Now I've gone and hurt myself with that little laughing burst. I hope it was worth it and you're all entertained. Now I need to go lie down.

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