Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Forget Justin Timberlake

I'm bringing sexyback.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on Justin, even though he exposes Janet's goodies to the free world at the SuperBowl and somehow she gets all the flack for it. No, any young man who digs women in their 30's is always gonna be alright in my books.

But my point is, since I started my new training regimen a week and a half ago, I've lost 13 pounds. Granted, we all know that most of that is water, but still. It's awesome. My lower back and my knees will thank me, I'm sure. And I eat. A lot. And often. For example, I had french fries yesterday. Not lapsing into Eating Disorderland (down the street from Disneyland?), it's just the by-product of the radical effects of a drastic change to my exercise regimen. Man, I've gotta switch it up more often...

Anyway. I just realized my 150th post went by completely unrecognized and uncelebrated. Thanks pals, for sticking around all this time. Cheers!

Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to put out a general request among members of my family (this also includes the honorary members, and you know who you are) to contribute to creating a 2007 Tamara's Family Demotivators calendar. You can either create a DIY demotivator at Despair.com (see quick link on the sidebar) and send me your link, or email me what you want and I'll fix it up for you. All contributors will get their very own colour copy of the finished calendar! My last demotivator was about dieting, who knows what my next one will be about...

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