As provided by Brown Family members or Honorary Brown Family members (Membership Privileges don't entitle you to gifts during the holidays or a share in the family estate, but it will snag you many many sweet invites to our fabulous holiday meals,
and leftovers! But I digress.) Accept no imitations! Demand the genuine article!
For your consideration, I give you:

But there's more!

But the fun don't stop here:

And yet another:

And finally, one of the very first lessons I ever learned about life:

(feedback and editing is always welcome.)
Hah! Someone stole my line!
I told you I would...
Only a Nintendo to the face could be more humiliating...
Yeah, depressories are good stuff. These guys at have made similar things called 'emorons' - largely workplace based. Funny stuff - the links are on the right side of the page when you get there.
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