Thursday, April 26, 2007

Black Theatre Workshop May Madness!

Behold. The reason I'm so stupidly busy.
(Click on the posters for full size and to see the details better...)

Come on out next weekend at 1 pm and support youth who are not only socially minded, but are into the arts and just deeply awesome people. Of course they drive me batty occasionally, because that's what children do, and yet I can't help but love them.

And I'm going to be judging at the Poetry Slam Competition, which is a darn sight better than participating in it as a performer. In fact, one of my students will be competing, and let me tell you, the child is a prodigy of spoken word. But you'd have to check out MYstory or the Poetry Jam to realize that it's not just me being biased.

So that's what's up. That's why I'm neglecting you for now and you never see me anymore. However, do not despair! I intend to surface sometime in July. No, seriously. *Sigh* But we'll talk about that another time.

(How else do you expect a newly single woman with healthy appetites to stay out of trouble?)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

So much to tell you...

but so little time. In all conscience I truly can't even take out a more than a few minutes to saywhat's up, Beautiful people! I'm at work indoors on a beautiful day again, but at least at Black Theatre Workshop it's not a basement and the sunshine and fresh air comes in the windows. This morning I feel serene and calm and happy.

Two weeks until the end of year presentation opens, and then right after that, we're deep into rehearsals again in preparation for the Fringe show (it's entirely possible that I never mentioned that our YouthWorks Intermediate level group play got into the Montreal Fringe Festival this summer. We're very proud of them. But there's a lot of work to be done, and the end is nowhere in sight.)

Anyway, I'm still taking a week off in May, no matter what. I'm going to spend it my mom and I can't wait.

By the way: I've lost 41 pounds to date!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Who has my copy of the Half-Blood Prince? I lent it to someone and I really want it back. The new book is coming out in a couple of months and I'm due for a series review. Please, PLEASE give it back to me. I'm jonesing. Hard.

Oh, and eventually I will be sharing with you my thoughts on having turned 32 a couple of days ago, I've written all about it in my personal journal and I'd love to share it with you, it's just that I'm ridiculously busy preparing the YouthWorks end-of-year presentation followed by the touring of said production to this summer's Fringe Festival.

So, no real time to wax philospohical about my life for a few weeks. I've been neglecting my mom and my dad and it peeves (no, I'll be real--PISSES me off) to no end. I love to work, but I need a life. I'm taking my vacation in May, I don't care. I haven't stopped working 50-65 hour weeks since September. Re-doggone-diculous.

But some good news: I can tell you that as if this morning, I've lost 38 ponds since last November, and I've gotten my fat percentage down from 32% to 18%. And now I look a little (a lot) more like that picture of Alicia Marie I posted a few months back. Six pack and all. Go, me!

So you'll have to endure some shallow flakiness and brief posts in the interim. (Yes, I know one of you who visited this site in the past said that about my blog when I first started writing it, post separation and in the thick of my depression. And yes, it's a major factor in why I never return your calls or hang out with you anymore. In case you're wondering and you still deign to visit the blog.)

Yeah, yeah, that was a petty and snarky remark. But hey, I am a jerk at times, never said I wasn't. I may also be (read: am most definitely) pre-menstrual. So don't judge me, or I'll rip your arm off and beat you to death with it.
Er, I mean sorry, bear with me, I'll be more myself soon, it's just that the pressure is getting to me today.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

It seems that anyone who's anyone is talking about the new Alanis Morissette parody of my humps.
All I can say is I like her even more now. Love it!

And so let me offer my own special discovery out there as well, for some salty goodness:

I do enjoy his website, too.
Let me tell you, there is absolutely nothing better to listen to on long drives late at night than this guy here. I can tell you his cds kept me and the band on the road and out of the roadside ditches on many long drives to and from Atlantic City.

You will love his Cover of Snoop Dogg's Gin and Juice. I guarantee. (I tried a little sneaky trick to hide the link in this post. Maybe you'll find it! Maybe it's not that slick of a way to hide it at all, and you'll figure it out in seconds...well, you can just enjoy the Dickness that much sooner.)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Fun facts...

Apparently, if you eat enough Maynard's Wine gums before bed, you wake up in the morning with a greenish-black tongue.


It's not like I've tested the theory to find out if it's true or not.
(I might have made the discovery by accident, but it's not the same thing. You'd be shocked and appalled to find out how many Wine Gum units qualifies as "enough." And maybe a little grossed out that any one person can ingest quite that many in one sitting. And yes, I know Wine Gums aren't vegan.)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Those were the days

It's incredible to me that there was a time I spent entire days on my sofa watching DVDs and eating takeout.

I miss my friends. I miss my sofa.
And now I'm going back to work.
I have much to tell! (Nothing new per se, just what's new with me.)