Who has my copy of the Half-Blood Prince? I lent it to someone and I really want it back. The new book is coming out in a couple of months and I'm due for a series review. Please, PLEASE give it back to me. I'm jonesing. Hard.
Oh, and eventually I will be sharing with you my thoughts on having turned 32 a couple of days ago, I've written all about it in my personal journal and I'd love to share it with you, it's just that I'm ridiculously busy preparing the YouthWorks end-of-year presentation followed by the touring of said production to this summer's Fringe Festival.
So, no real time to wax philospohical about my life for a few weeks. I've been neglecting my mom and my dad and it peeves (no, I'll be real--PISSES me off) to no end. I love to work, but I need a life. I'm taking my vacation in May, I don't care. I haven't stopped working 50-65 hour weeks since September. Re-doggone-diculous.
But some good news: I can tell you that as if this morning, I've lost 38 ponds since last November, and I've gotten my fat percentage down from 32% to 18%. And now I look a little (a lot) more like that picture of Alicia Marie I posted a few months back. Six pack and all. Go, me!
So you'll have to endure some shallow flakiness and brief posts in the interim. (Yes, I know one of you who visited this site in the past said that about my blog when I first started writing it, post separation and in the thick of my depression. And yes, it's a major factor in why I never return your calls or hang out with you anymore. In case you're wondering and you still deign to visit the blog.)
Yeah, yeah, that was a petty and snarky remark. But hey, I am a jerk at times, never said I wasn't. I may also be (read: am most definitely) pre-menstrual. So don't judge me, or I'll rip your arm off and beat you to death with it.
Er, I mean sorry, bear with me, I'll be more myself soon, it's just that the pressure is getting to me today.
Happy 32nd. Welcome to the crew!
Aw, you guys are so cool, considering that I've been such a crank.
Thanks, and its good to be in the crew!
You can borrow mine, birthday girl, I'll bring it to the gym when I finally make it in (looks like the ankle has finally healed enough for me to start on monday, yay!).
I can't believe I missed it! Happy birthday very very late...
Your post woke me up to the fact that I have not been keeping up with my blogging or blog reading. Repent. Repent! (Well, maybe after my vacation is over.) Love you.
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