Friday, June 29, 2007


I'm longing for July 14th with all of my heart!
When that sweet, sweet day rolls along, don't ask me fo' nothin! I've got a pressing engagement with my sofa for another session on the


Movies, and sloth a-plenty, baby!

I'm so used to having a little respite from life at the end of the spring semester of YouthWorks, but this year, I've been barreling straight through for a solid two months, and I figure if I stoutly deny the feeling that I'm nearing a burnout, it will work. But you know what? I do love my work, and it's so rewarding (if not yet financially).

And there are many exciting things ahead for me this year, I just know it! Well, some things I'm planning, and some things I know will come to me. But more on that later. I've got to get back to work (yeah, I know, like you couldn't see that one coming!)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

And I'm off!

Once again, Niagara Falls-bound. This will most likely be the last gig we get out there, the lounge is closing down. Pity. I liked the hotel we stay at. Anyway, I'm going home now to do some laundry and pack and clean my apartment. It is TIME.

And Dad's coming into town tonight! H'ray!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Still Alive...

Hello Dahlings!

I just wanted to take a moment to celebrate the fact that the Fringe Festival is over! Yee-haw! In fact, I'm going to celebrate by going home in an hour to take a well-deserved nap. Perhaps in time the plethora of blisters that have cropped up on my feet over the past week may actually begin to heal. And I don't think I can even look at another beer for at least four months. Seriously. I've got a little beach ball on my belly from the beers and schizophrenic eating over the past ten days. I'm craving fruits and veggies, although at the same time, I'm feeling the effects of refined carbohydrate addiction.

I also just got onto Facebook. Probably a huge mistake, considering I still have so much work to do, but oh well.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Opening Night!

Hm, maybe I should write back when I'm not so tired that I'm numb.
(I can only imagine the expression on my face as I type this at the gym-yes, I'm being bad and writing to you while I should be working; not that that is anything new-I do know that my eyes are stinging. Not sexaayyyy.)

But intellectually, I'm excited and scared and optimistic, and utterly convinced that show will be a big success. I'm also really looking forward to the chance to get more than four hours of sleep a night and sleeping in my own bed. That would be sweet. So in the meantime, check out the show, tell all your friends!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Let me tell you

I have a brand new respect for Stage Managers. That is a tough job.

Friday, June 01, 2007


First of all, I didn't even realize that I have now passed the 200 post mark. H'ray for me!

Second and most importantly, last night I went to Place des Arts and saw Maya Angelou. Oh. My. Goodness. I feel as though I've had a defining moment in my life, just from being in the same room with her and hearing her speak. I mean, she came on stage, and the first thing she did when she opened her mouth was to sing. Honest to goodness, I felt on the verge of tears the whole time. I always remembered her as this tall, statuesque amazon-type woman, but now she's so tiny! Granted, she's in her seventies now, but still...I wasn't prepared for that.

She is wonderful: funny, warm, down-to-earth, authentic, irreverent, so wise and articulate. I really felt like I was just sitting in her living room listening to her speak. She only spoke for about an hour, but I could have gone on listening to her for a lot longer. I am so inspired by her life and her heart. You just have to love this woman.

And her voice....smooth like butterscotch. Warm and rich and spicy like hot cocoa with chili pepper. A real whiskey voice. I am the luckiest woman EVER.