Friday, June 29, 2007


I'm longing for July 14th with all of my heart!
When that sweet, sweet day rolls along, don't ask me fo' nothin! I've got a pressing engagement with my sofa for another session on the


Movies, and sloth a-plenty, baby!

I'm so used to having a little respite from life at the end of the spring semester of YouthWorks, but this year, I've been barreling straight through for a solid two months, and I figure if I stoutly deny the feeling that I'm nearing a burnout, it will work. But you know what? I do love my work, and it's so rewarding (if not yet financially).

And there are many exciting things ahead for me this year, I just know it! Well, some things I'm planning, and some things I know will come to me. But more on that later. I've got to get back to work (yeah, I know, like you couldn't see that one coming!)

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