Monday, May 22, 2006

Chillin' like a villain

Yes indeedy Dahlings, that's how it's been goin' down these days.

Been hanging out with Mom for the past couple of days, and it's been deeply wicked. I've been eating, sleeping, reading, eating and braiding my hair. Lot of eating, lot of braiding. Wait till y'all see me. I may be puffy, but I look good.

Under normal circumstances, braiding would have been replaced by shopping, but the sad reality is that I am once again po' and since I won't be able to afford trips to the hair dresser for at least another month, I figured it would be worth it to invest some time in a 'do that will last for a month, be lovely and time-saving in the mornings.
(Well, not that I actuallly get to work before noon since I'm completely useless in the morning, but you get my drift.)

Because if you know black women's hair, darlings (and I do) it is involved. Can I get a witness? Whether your hair is permed or you're rocking a natural or doin' the dreadlocks thing, it's a lot of work. Brigitte has neatly avoided the pitfalls of time-consuming hair by rocking a really short 'fro, but then again, she's petite and feminine, so it works. If you've got a big 'ol pumpkin head such as myself, a short 'fro looks like a short stop on the road to Transamerica, if you get my drift. Anyway.

And let me tell you, hanging out with Mom and Fabian has given me tons more material for the dictionary. I've gotta write it all down before I forget.

I actually feel a wee bit guilty because I haven't gotten much work done and I really did intend to get some stuff done. What can I say? It's the hair. In fact, I am altogether too ashamed to admit how many hours of work have gone into this coif'.
But doggone it, I look good.
Heh heh.

And how am I doing lately, you may ask? Ahhh....
It's worth mentioning that Mom is proving to be, as usual, a wonderful balm for all that ails me when life gets lousy. Not everybody gets a supafly mom like mine, as we all know. Supafly moms aren't perfect, but they are so, well...supafly, that even their flaws are a part of their charm. It shows you how to bear up under your own with grace and fabulosity.
Yeah, I'm so chill that I wonder if I'll be able to bring it back home with me. I guess we'll all find out.


Anonymous said...

I still have that picture of you with half a fro... OH YEAH! ;D

Tamara said...


The worst thing is, there's no way to intimidate you into never showing that pic to another living soul.

Bill, y'all is woefully unintimidated by me and never misses a golden opportunity to zing me.

Ah yes, it's been over a decade, and she's still got it.

You are the master.