Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy....

I have been told of late by one of my dear readers that my tone in these blogs has been somewhat dark. That it sounds like I'm practically suicidal. That I've been whinging, in short.

Well, Darlings, I certainly don't want to be a downer, but neither do I want to be fake and superficial. I'd like y'all to have the straight dope from me, but I don't want to scare you off from hanging out with me for fear that I'll slit my wrists at the dinner table.

So allow me to share a few happy tidbits from my life:

Stephanie and I have commenced a 7-day detox to cleanse the system. The first two days are lemon water, herbal tea, and vegetable broth, but the following five days are all about lots of fruits, veggies, and rice. Yummy! It's so funny; what seemed a hardship at first (that of it being such a restrained diet) we now eagerly anticipate, and the diet seems above all reproach. It also helps that we hit the Jean-Talon Market on the weekend and that in my weakened and fatigued state, I have nevertheless been inspired to cook as I haven't been in a long time. There is tasty food aplenty awaiting us tomorrow when we get off the liquid part of the fast. A sumptuous vegetable curry, a hearty, savoury mung bean soup, fresh chilled gazpacho, homemade baba ghanoush and hummus with crudites, fress fruit salad, rice fusilli puttanesca! All fresh ingredients, herbs and whatnot. Yummm.....

You'd think the sight of all that food would discourage me while I've been drinking nothing but lemon water and veggie broth, but no! It's been nothing but pleasurable industry serving to take my mind off of being hungry. And a source of immense pride because I can say without conceit that I am a Dyno-mite cook.

I will be having a happy (healthy) binge-fest with with my beloved Bill on Saturday. I couldn't resist. Lord knows, there's something about her diabolical little smirk that just warms my heart to no end.

And off I go to band bractice, gotta show tomorrow evening for the Festival Rhythmes Du Monde. Somehow we ended up as the headliners for two years in a row. God bless Eva, she is a super champion of my talent and a much appreciated butt-kicker.

Ciao for now! I can't promise to keep the cheery thing going for long, because you know how hormones can be! (Actually, I guess you fellas would only know by proxy: sisters, girlfriends or whateva. Anyway.)


Tamara said...

All of my happy moments seem to involve friends and food. (no wonder I'm so puffy these days)

But don't get me wrong, I can also find joyful moments involving food when I'm by myself!

gg said...

i thought i was alone is seeing the food/friend combination the only way to bliss is this dark dark world of ours. I was wrong.

Tamara, I hear you are having a binge fest saturday. please, i need in. Friday is my huge ministry history exam. PLEASE HELP ME! ill be studiying math (WELL i plan on. I MUST) and nothing is a pic me up like good people and better. Like good food and better people :). CALL ME!

Anonymous said...

It's your damn site and your damn life, you write whatever the hell you wanna right. Nyah.

Tamara said...

Abe Baby, you are so right!
I slept all of three hours last night thinking about it!
&*%!!#@! stupid computer crash.