Thursday, June 01, 2006

La Da Dee Dowdy Dow, La Da Dee Dowdy Dow...

She's just like you and me-eeee...
But she's homeless, she's homeless!
And she stands there, singin' for monayyyy...

Can you believe this mess? Yes indeedy, I too am about to be like the homeless lady in the Crystal Waters song.

I've got two months to work out a new living situation.
Y'all know I'm a starving artist, albeit with a bitchin' job title, so I can't afford stupid crazy rent. Help a sister out, start spreading the word see if anyone you know is looking for a roommate. My American friends need not partake in the roommate hunt, thanks anyway.

If you haven't spoken to my beloved roommate yet, then I'm sorry to be the one breaking the news, if she hasn't told you yet. But don't worry, she'll be getting around to you soon. I guess you can play dumb until she tells you, I dunno.

Can you believe it? Stephanie has to move back to Chicago!
Who will be my pally for late-night laughfests and bacon pizza binges! Who else understands my love of the Isley Brothers and the fabulousness of Prince? What will I do without her crazy infectious laugh? There are so many reasons that I'm miserable about this move that I don't have the heart to get into it all, although I'm trying to be unselfish and be happy for her and keep a positive spin on the whole situation.
Truth be told, I'd rather stay at home and sulk about it for a couple of days.

Instead, I'll make the most of these remaining two months (because I don't think I can afford the rent of that apartment by myself) and make some good memories with her.

So we'll be taking Salsa classes together! I went out last weekend with her and another girlfriend and we had a blast! What a nice vibe! I like the kind of crowd that just wants to dance. There is infinitely less slimyness afoot than in the typical club scene. And it's good exercise to boot. But first I have to learn how to do it well. Hence the classes. I've always wanted to be able to salsa.

Anyways, I should stop hosing around and get back to work.


Tamara said...

Hello, Iggy (can I call you Iggy?)and Hitler's Brain!

(Oh hey, Abe, thanks for the roomie advice. We most definitely ain't in the market looking to live with another man again. If you read far back enough in my posts, you'll see how the last fella I lived with claims that living with me made him want to drink Drano. Anyway.)

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