so tired that you're a danger to yourself?
I'm a wee bit sleep-deprived today and feeling so lightheaded that I couldn't work out today. I sat down to lunch in the staff room at the gym and I put my head down for a second and woke up a half-hour later. And there was drool on my arm. Ewww.
Now I'm at the office, but I can't concentrate. I've tripped over the garbage can at the gym, banged my elbow on my desk, and I'm about ready to give it all up as a bad job and just go home.
I'm also feeling somewhat reckless and in the mood for a bacon double cheeseburger. Which would be seriously counterproductive to my efforts at exercise and healthy eating as of late. I think it's just Aunt Flo talking. I may not have the burger, but I'm going to have something special, I just don't know what yet.
Any suggestions?
Whoa girlfriend... is getting in shape and eating healthy really worth it if it makes you feel so scrambled? (I wouldn't know, myself.)
The feeling scrambled thing probably has a lot more to do with the sleep deprivation and coming down with a cold thing.
However, as always, you remind me to keep an eye out for the recurrence of obsessive eating and training. Hm. It is looking a little like a binge-purge cycle, isn't it? Whoops. I'm a bit of a stress ball these days and not liking myself overmuch.
I think I'll go back to keeping a food journal so that I don't put stupid pressures on myself and to stay alert for worrisome patterns.
But the best thing would be therapy. Ah, I miss Alan. He's the bomb.
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