Monday, December 25, 2006

For the love of dairy products...

Food is so fan-frickin-tastic! Sure, my tummy is like a basketball stuffed full of bread and sugar and fat, but it's just so doggone good! Even if I am a little burpy and farty right now. Dairy, as good as it is, has never been good to me.

Meh, I can always train like a marine tomorrow. (And you KNOW that I will. That crazy Loren has given me a new program that I guarantee, if it doesn't prove to be the death of me, will give me the physiology of a 15-year-old. Oh yes, I'm determined to beat his score on the Fit Test. Heh heh. And when I do, I will gloat. Loudly and often. I will not be a gracious victor. I'm just warning you all now. Judge me if you will! It's just because he gloats about having a 16-year-old body and is shaped like the letter Y. I think it will be good for him to be beaten by a girl. Yeah, I want to help to develop his character...that's my motivation, uh-huh, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. )

But darlings, believe me, I am going to earn it. I need memories of sugar, chocolate, french fries, red beans and rice and pie to comfort me through the long weeks and months of brown rice, chicken breasts, egg whites, and broccoli ahead.

Mmmmm....fat. *drool!*

I'm at my dad's place eating pastries and drinking coffee and Courvoisier and listening to the Dreamgirls soundtrack. We are all being as loud and sassy as we know how to be, and it's oodles of fun. I'm storing up a lot of memories to tide me over in the upcoming weeks, because things are going to get hairy.

So there is a slight chance that I may tend to be neglectful in the upcoming weeks. Please don't get mad at me, I know it's not fair, but you may have to be the one to call me more times than I will call you. But I will do my best to try to keep my work and social life balanced. A little kick in the shin from time to time will remind me to keep my head up and looking around me instead of just the row that I'm ploughing. If you catch my drift.

Anyway. Loving you!
Merry Christmas!

Goodbye James Brown. You may have ended up crazy, but you were still the greatest.


Anonymous said...

*cough* *kick* *cough*

Tamara said...

ah...gotcha. point taken. how about next Tuesday? I will bring the food, you provide the movie. 6-ish?

Anonymous said...

Next week? I might be able to get home by 6ish, sure.