First of all, yesterday, I ate horse meat for the first time. (Yes, willingly.) And it's funny, but I felt absolutely no pangs about it. I was never one of those girls who, growing up, dreamed of having a pony. Somehow, at eleven, I never understood that desire and thought that it was a ridiculously bourgeois one. Besides, Who would look after it? My smurf village bedroom was always in a mess of post-apocalyptic proportions. No sir, I wasn't going to be shoveling any equine dookie.
Second of all, I've to date, lost 25 pounds. Go, me! I have gorgeous abs, no love handles in sight. (Of course, I probably look better this time around since I'm not depressed like I was last year and smoking cigarettes on the sly. I hear tell smokers carry more abdominal fat than non-smokers.) Anyway, not far to go until I reach my goal. Yeah! And I'm perfectly healthy, not starving or anything, have no fear. I eat every two hours. It's just that I train like a marine. I almost look like that picture of Alicia Marie. In fifteen pounds, I totally will. I've figured out how people who purportedly take fat-burners and lose 25 pounds in 6 weeks are doing it, and it's not with those useless pills, let me tell you. I look like a before and after picture. It's fun.
More news!
I have been cast in a role for which I didn't even audition! Mella! Mella! This year's school tour for BTW (http://www.blacktheatreworkshop.ca/) will be featuring yours truly! I'm not playing Mella, I'm playing the goddess. Which is awesome. Even though that will make it job number 5 as of January, I can't help it! If you offer me a role that doesn't require me to play a stereotype like maid, single mom, crack whore, or spunky, wisecracking girfriend/sidekick, I'm going to move mountains to take it.
For the first time ever, I'm being offered roles based on my reputation for work. I mean, this director had seen me in previous shows, and wanted me all along. I didn't audition because I figured, shoot, I'll be busy, and I should give other people a chance to do stuff. But they were so excited when I said I'd do it, and they were willing to accomodate my schedule too!And suffice to say that other things are on the horizon too, but it's too soon to talk about it.
And this darlings, has inspired me. I've decided that in February, I'm going to start shopping for an agent. I think I'd like to do film, tv, commercial, voice and print ad work if I can. As for theatre, I figure I'll do auditions, but I'll find that stuff more as it comes on my own I think. I'd rather go by reputation and working with the people I know and like on projects that I believe in. Theatre is my passion, and that's something I want to remain pure, as naive and idealistic as that may sound. I wouldn't just do anything to be able to work.
For the other acting stuff, in the same way as I am about music and singing, I can be pragmatic about myself as a performer. I'm not particularly competitive about being out there as an actress, so much as I'd like to make a fairly decent living at it so that I can just teach at BTW without stressing and without having to work 65+ hour weeks. I'd like to be a more experienced actor so that I can be a better teacher.
In truth, I've been scared about the prospect of having an agent and getting out there in the workforce in the past because I didn't want to be pigeonholed into stereotypes and images that I feel are derogatory to black women. Also because I always felt too fat and ugly to ever get any work, but that's just ridiculous. I don't have to be pretty. I just have to be good at what I do. And I am good at it. And what I don't know now, I'll learn quickly. I just abhor rejection, and that's what awaits me once I get into that whole hustling for auditions and whatnot. Well, after the debacle that was my marriage, if that didn't kill me, nothing else will.
Anyhoo. Enough hosing around. Back to work.
Ciao, Bébés!
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