Thursday, May 03, 2007


If you're one of the types who gets touchy about any mention of the Bible or Christianity, this post is just another chronicle about how I'm livin'. I'm writing because I got inspired and wanted to share it with you.

Lately, I've been trying to marshall my thoughts towards whatever is positive, loving and thankful. To look at what I have rather than what I don't. To expect good things in life rather than failure. And you know what? I didn't realize how many negative, complaining, defeatist, and angry thoughts run through my head in a day. It takes real discipline to shift your paradigm, to change the way you look at yourself and the world you're in. But I don't want it to be an onerous, unpleasant task. I want it to become a joyful experience. I had spent two days last month (on my birthday) writing out this extensive manifesto for the upcoming year, about all the things I want to acheive, the kind of woman I want to be, and what I want to give to the world. And that week was a wonderful and positive week for me. Coincidence? I think not.

A couple of weeks back, the girls at church did a Bible study about taking captive every thought. Granted the context of the discussion was about resisting temptation, but the principle has come to resonate strongly through many areas of my life. I love when the Bible does that. The passage I was meant to be memorizing was:

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

(Since we're being honest here, I didn't memorize it, but it was often on my mind.) And then this week, one of the members at the gym where I work gave me a copy of The Secret as a gift to thank me for designing a program for him and for just generally being an encouragement to him. It's funny how when you're ready for it, life has a way of bringing you..forward.

The Secret is an interesting thesis. I can certainly see how some of the principles mentioned in the book have manifested themselves in my life in the past, and can definitely attest to the positive or negative results that they have yielded. Although I'm deeply wary and skeptical about self-help/prosperity theory-type stuff, I will say that the Law of Attraction, quantum theory and biblical/faith aspects of the book are making me think.

Anyway, even though I really should be working, I'd like to take the time out to share some of the things that have been kicking around in my head these days, in hopes that it will encourage you, but also as a way of just putting it out there for God, the Universe, and my loving friends to hold me accountable. Or to be able to rejoice in every victory with me. (see the next post.)'s just occurred to me, my 200th post is coming up, and we've been together for awhile now. Thanks for sticking around.

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