Thursday, October 27, 2005

Because I can...

Well here's a fun and new thing I've tapped into: being really direct with my students. Telling them like it is (in my mind, without editing it for delivery or basically coddling them)! And you know what I've learned? People are a lot more resilient than I give them credit for. Being honest is awesome, when you know (and the other person knows-because there's a relationship!) that you say what you do out of love, and that it's nothing personal, but all about working towards that shared goal. To quote Liz: "Sweetheart, stop wasting my time." Man, when people are playing it safe, they know it, and on one level, deep down, you want to be called on it.
What a revelation. Thank you Liz!

So, whatchu got to say to me? I'm listening...If I can dish it out, I can surely take it.

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