Monday, December 19, 2005

Ahhhh...that's better.

Chillin' chez Maman, eating yummy (if not strictly health-conscious) food, reading books, going shopping, watching movies, uninterrupted surfing time all makes for a truly dynomite beginning of the holidays. I made it through the semester alive! H'ray!

Tomorrow I'm going to go see Rent with my Mom, and maybe after we'll go out and eat some ribs. (yum!) And on Wednesday, I'm going to see Génération Motown at the Casino! Some of my friends are in it, so I'm excited to finally get to see the show! Third row seats too, baby!

It's unbelievable, now that I'm in Ontario (and Mom has cable) I'm seeing my friends in all these movies, tv shows, and commercials that don't seem to get aired much in Montreal. I'm shrieking at least two times a day with excitement. Which is quite a fair bit of progress from the days when I'd see former classmates and colleagues onscreen (big or little) and be thinking "what the hell am I doing with my life, then?" -type reflections of my own loserdom. Now I'm just happy for them.

And nowadays I know I'm not a loser.
I may be a little chubby.

But still cute nonetheless.
Which helps.

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