Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I'm back in town for a few days, desperately trying to cudgel my brain into some kind of activity for the sake of work. And not being entirely successful about it.

I'm completely knackered, I just never can sleep well away from home, and combined with the late nights of gigging, I'm in a fog. But anyway, all's well with me.
What's up with you?

I met the cast of Aladdin: The Musical over the weekend in Niagara Falls. Lovely people who by chance caught our show on Saturday. Most of the band went to see their show the next day (I was wiped out and not feeling altogether well, more's the pity) and later that night the cast came back to see us perform again. Loads of fun. Great people, so fun to hang around with. I'm almost always anti-social between sets, but I made an exception for them. And let me tell you, you never saw a more good-looking group of people congregated in one place. And Lord have mercy, could they ever dance! When I was singing Disco Inferno, they spontaneously erupted into this killer choreography together on the dance floor, and I felt like a movie star. You know, like in Goldmember when Beyoncé's workin' it on the dance floor and somehow the whole club is moving harmoniously together? Yeah, that was me, sadly, minus the afro and fabulous gold dress, but with the big legs and booty intact. It was all good.

I tell you, one lovely young man in particular busted a move on the dance floor that made me forget my lyrics in the middle of my song. Yes, it was embarrassing, but on the other hand, I defy any red-blooded woman to keep her wits about her in such circumstances.

Well, I guess that will be all for now, next week I'll be in Atlantic City again, with more tales to regale you with.
Love and kisses, baybees!

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