Friday, October 26, 2007

How awesome is it...

...that Dumbledore is gay? Ever since J.K. Rowling outed him, I've been thinking about it. What a coup. What do you think?


Unknown said...

Its probably only fitting given that the whole Potter phenomena is hopelessly and utterly gay. I mean, what's up with all of those phallic symbols that these Quidditch players amuse themselves with?

Voyons donc!

Anonymous said...

Rumour has it that Dumbledorf plans to out J.K Rowlings on Thanksgiving Day (American style) and that the next Potter film will be called "The Outing".

In it there's this much anticpated scene whereby Harry is found wanting and extremely exposed by a buckbeak as he attempts to right his broom during this nude beach scene and ends up crashing into a mountainside doggie style. Don't ask how the mountain got there.

Anyways, its pure entertainment and certain quartiers (thats french for neighbourhood) in beautiful downtown Montreal are eagerly awaiting this next picture.

Unknown said...

And for you skeptics out there who don't believe that the Potter phenomena is "way in deep" gay, I shall defer to eminent author and award winning journalist Johann Hari who writes..

"...Who is the most famous gay man in Britain – Will Young, Elton John or Peter Mandelson? No, no, and no. It is somebody else altogether – an international mega-star who is in every British home, even those belonging to the most middling of Middle England Mail-readers. Here are some clues: he lives in a closet. Literally. He hangs out in King’s Cross looking for like-minded people. He wears long flowing purple gowns and waves wands. His best friends are a ginger geek, a female swot and a leather clad geriatric who haunts dusty alleys. There is a strange force in his life he can’t control. It grips him in adolescence and devours his whole being. Oh, and he likes to feel wood between his legs."

He continues thusly...

" .. Harry Potter is gay. The discovery was made when the US cultural critic Michael Bronski explained in the Boston Phoenix, “So much of the basic Potter plot is identical to the traditional coming-out story: Harry's differentness makes him an outcast in his own family. He is physically, emotionally, and mentally mistreated by the Dursleys [his aunt and uncle]. Their cruelty is calculated and dangerous – he is, in essence, repeatedly queer-bashed by them. And as in so many coming-out stories, Harry is confused by his secret desires.”

The novels are about a secret world. The wizards and witches know they are different, and that they must hide their difference from the grey (straight) world. The similarities between, say, Parcel-tongue (which enables Harry to speak to snakes) and gaydar are striking. The secret world of magic is just as clearly parallel with the old gay world of secret clubs and public toilets – which, alas, most of the world’s gay men still inhabit. Bronski argues that this is becoming more and more blatant as the novels progress: “In the newly released Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Rowling seems to play more openly with a gay reading of the books. During an argument with Harry, the obnoxious Dudley mentions that his cousin spoke in his sleep about someone named Cedric, lashing out, "Who's Cedric – your boyfriend?...."

Mel Gibson is said to be so intrigued by the richness in this story line that he already seeking funding for his next film .. "The Passion Fruit". And now J.K. Rowlings is about to reveal that her Harry in the North American release of her original manuscripts was initially spelled "Airy" by some overly zealous copyrighter who deliberately dropped the "f" so as not to offend readers from the deep south. As a compromise, everyone decided to settle for "Harry" and the rest as they say, is history.

Toodle loo!