Tuesday, November 06, 2007


My apartment is tidy! I'm much less ashamed of it. Hurray for me.

Also, Spiderman 3 is a steaming pile of cinematic waste. At first I thought it was just about critics being snobby and having unrealistic expectations of a comic book movie.
But no, Tobey Maguire breaking into song and dance is NOT what I'm looking for from my friendly neighbourhood web-slinger. For a moment I thought I that someone had snuck into my apartment and slipped a roofie into my green tea. But no. The surreality and bizarreness of the scene could not be blamed on any kind of intoxication.

And furthermore, Eastern Promises was AMAZING! and I just wish that Viggo Mortensen would come to his senses and realize that I am the only woman for him. I just feel instinctively that Viggo loves me just the way I am.

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