Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Yesterday was an eventful day. In a good way.

For the first time in three years, I'm actually going to be performing in a play that isn't being produced by Black Theatre Workshop! A crazy carnival musical for the Wildside Festival at Centaur Theatre in January. It's called Cyclops.

I'll be playing a nurse on a psych ward/witch/waitress/whore.
So you know, breaking stereotypes. Yeah. 'Cause that's how we do.

But seriously, I'm very flattered to have been considered for the show, and I'm really excited about working with the cast, thus far they are all actors whose work I really respect. And they happen to be friends. I'm excited and a little bit terrified. No Black Theatre Workshop safety net. But hey, I get to sing, and that's one thing I know I can do well. I've been dying to do a musical ever since Afrika Solo.

More details to come, but in the meantime, give it up for ME!

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