Thursday, September 22, 2005

Pummeling my brain...

Must...stay awake...can't...stay in bed all day eating chips and chocolate and gummy bears and peanut M&Ms and sour skittles, and...oh, dear. Not being able to really work out on a regular basis over the past two weeks (1st week, mad busy, 2nd week, sick as heck) is taking its toll. I feel slow and sluggish and lazy and am gaining weight and I don't want to work. Except that I love my work! I just don't feel like doing it. And to be perfectly honest, today I wish I had a boy toy to make me feel beautiful again. It sucks to have been rejected. I want my mom!

Right. No more whining. Must focus on class plans, respond to student journals, get my administrative stuff out of the way--YEEEARRGH! Okay, now no more whining.

You know what else I'm looking forward to? Payday. Should I actually go all the way down to the office to pick up my check? Hm. I won't decide now, but the chances are actually pretty slim that I'll do anything of the kind. I'd probably just go and buy some of the abovementioned junk food, and that won't be helpful. (But it shore would be tasty! Mmm...guacamole, pizza, doritos, chocolate, cheese, sugar...*drool!*) Although I could get useful stuff for the house like garbage bags and dishwashing detergent and pay some rent sooner rather than later. Nice how I can justify my junk food jones, isn't it? "But I neeeeed to pick up some stuff for the house, too!"

I haven't gotten any messages on my old phone line in two weeks. This is odd. Are you people phoning me at all? Is it that you don't have my cell phone number yet? I suppose it's time to sit down for an hour or so and call everyone I know again. *sigh* the last time I did that, it was a happy occasion--telling everyone my husband's and my new phone number. Well, I'm living with a new Steph this time, and it's a happy occasion, but I can't help but feel a sense of loss, in spite of how happy I am with the new direction my life is taking. Nothing ever does turn out the way we planned, does it? Sometimes it's a good thing, and other times it's bittersweet.

Anyway, now I've gotten maudlin and it's time to stop avoiding my work. Happy trails, Beautiful People! Show somebody some love today!

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