Monday, September 19, 2005

Stupid Busy

Sorry I haven't written lately, for the short version of the story, see the heading above. For a slightly longer version, read on...

So now I've been living with Stephanie for a week and it's swell! She's so easy to get along with and we enjoy many of the same things...she's very easy to be around. So I'm presently working at four different jobs right now, not counting singing gigs and a class at Concordia (reminds me of the Headleys on In Living Color: Meh got fahteen jeeyabs, mon. Him 'a have just two jeeyab? The lazy limabean! heh heh...)

And I'm still unpacking. Would you believe, I haven't yet dealt with my tax declaration yet? (If you know me well, I guess it wouldn't come as a huge shock.) I miss my mother terribly and would love to see her, but there is just no time to get away for more than a day. Phew. But you know what? I'm still grateful for my life! It's good to work and do what I enjoy most for a living. A few weeks ago I visited a former colleague at the office where I used to work, and I seriously left that place with mild palpitations and the beginnings of hives. So no, I don't miss the place, and I'm glad I stuck to my guns and toughed it out in my field. It's finally beginning to pay off. (Not pay particularly well yet, hence the multiple job situation, but it's a start.) I'm hoping to hear back from the Saidye Bronfman Centre to see if I'll pick up a teaching gig there on Sundays. That would be the BOMB.

Okay, I've avoided my homework for long enough. I don't often get access to a computer anymore, so I'd better make the most of it. Bisous to every last one of you, be healthy, be safe, and show somebody some love today!

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