Monday, November 28, 2005

The Knitwit

Yes, dear friends, it's that time of year again, when the weather gets cold, and the holidays approach, and melancholia about my non-functioning marriage sets in again.
These are the times when I'm a little hard on myself: eating unhealthy food, drinking alcohol, not sleeping enough (but when I do manage it, doing it at odd hours), neglecting my fitness routine, and smoking cigarettes.

So since the smoking thing has gotten out of hand, I've taken up knitting once again! Keeps my hands busy and me from getting bored. I don't know what it is about the process of knitting, but the rhythm and the repetition of it is soothing. It might be the fact that you can see your progress, even when it feels like things are going slowly, you can measure it and see that you have moved ahead. And then there's the fact that if you make a mistake, you can just pull it out and start over. There's also something about the sense of accomplishment you get when you finish a project. It's quite therapeutic actually. Sometimes I wish life could be more like that.

Anyhoo, the point is, scarves are forthcoming again my lovelies! If you have never received one from me yet, there's a good chance you might get one this winter!


Kay said...

I wear the one you gave Chloe last year quite frequently. Do I get one of my own this year???

Tamara said...

Yes! Is black okay? I remmeber your coat as being a burgundy one...