Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Eye of the Tiger

Good morning, Darlings!

Last night I saw the conclusion to the season premiere of 24. Oh yeah, it's ON, baby! But can we just take a moment of silence for the loss of President Palmer? Brother, you hung in there for three seasons before they killed you off. That's gotta be a record somewhere.

I've just returned from the gym and am now enjoying the few calm moments I have left before rehearsal. When I got there this morning, I was so tired, I wished I was dead. (No, really.) My theme song was "I don't like Mondays," even though it's Tuesday. It felt like a Monday.
But upon leaving, I felt charged! (Dun! Dun-dun-dun! Dun-dun-dun! Dun-dun-dunnnnn!)

So, I'd better make the most of this calm time before my ridiculously exhausting rehearsal today (this, more than anything convinced me of the need to get back in shape, I thought I was going to hyperventilate at one point yesterday) and get to work on my lines. Ah, I look forward to tonight, when I shall have no plans more rigorous than collapsing onto my sofa to watch American Idol. Judge me if you dare.

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