Saturday, January 14, 2006

Aaaaaand....we're back!

Hello Beautiful people, and greetings for the New Year!

Atlantic City was a trip, let me tell you. I met some mafia people on our final night at the casino, which convinced me that more than ever, I do need a break from that line of work. All I have to say about that experience is that the days of black folk on the auction block are PAST. Sisterfriend ain't for sale. Can I get an amen?

Anyhoo, I got home and the moment I let myself relax, I caught a cold (ain't it always the way?). So honeychile, I slept and slept and slept and slept. With brief breaks for eating and other kinds of sloth in front of the DVD. But don't think for a moment that that week was unproductive. Oh no. I managed to find time to give to others. Namely my cold. To Stephanie. (Sorry, Mommy!)

So this week has been a big one! If you know me, you know that of course I'm working stupid hours (that's just how we do. Keeps me out of trouble and probably makes me feel like I'm doing something useful instead of just taking up space, I dunnno) but I'm having fun. Constantly learning!

And feeling like I'm in over my head to a certain degree. Which is not a bad thing in the sense that I'm really open to learning and observing. I'm a bit intimidated by the company that I'm keeping which gets me a bit stressed and nervy. I just need to relax and be here and not try so hard. I think it's the switch in mentality from being a student and striving for grades and being a professional and just reveling in the process, in the experience of being an actor. Good Lord, I'm getting paid to act! Shoot, I'm getting PAID! That in and of itself is wicked.

Anyway, gotta run. (Big surprise.)

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