Monday, March 06, 2006

The return of Shamu, the killer whale...


Suffice to say, I never did make it back to the gym last week. No, I watched movies, and slept and ate loads of sticky sweet baked goods. And I swelled up like a water balloon. Scandalous.
I did, however, manage to clean my room and my apartment (h'ray!) and I also managed to... do not much else. It may be the tremendous weight of the pizza and fries I inhaled that weighed me down.

And in case you're wondering if I'm just overexaggerrating about the killer whale thing, I'm not. My body is like a sponge, with a comic book hero capacity to absorb and release water. The bloat is of radioactive proportions. I'm educated enough to know that I didn't put on fifteen pounds of fat in a week. Yes, I did say fifteen pounds. I look like Fat Albert. Hey, hey heyyyy!!!

(Yes, I know this is somewhat symptomatic of my history with that scary binge-purge thing, and I swear I'm dealing with these self-destructive behaviours. Appointment with Alan is next Monday. Which will be timely since two days before I'll be having that dreaded talk with the ex. *shudder!* Pray for me, 'cause I'm scared, yo. I'm constantly surprised at how long it is taking for these wounds to heal.)

So had my first session back at the gym this morning. Owee. And I mean, owee.

So, a little more administrative-type stuff for Youthworks for the next 30 mins. then I have to go home and grab my contracts to fax to Equity today (how whatless am I?) and then another mini-session at the gym, then hanging out with Gillianne. 'Cause Mamma needs to learn from a disciplined person how to manage her finances. 'Cause she's a wee bit of a disaster.

Anyhoo, tomorrow is a special day! Do you know why? Because tomorrow is the first day back to rehearsals for the Blacks Don't Bowl crew! Working on a project where I share the narrative load! I get to have real playing partners for each scene! Whee! And you should check out the new, revamped Black Theatre Workshop home page. It's got music and everything!

Well, I gotta get on back to work. Love y'all! Have an excellent beautiful, sunny day!

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