Saturday, April 21, 2007

So much to tell you...

but so little time. In all conscience I truly can't even take out a more than a few minutes to saywhat's up, Beautiful people! I'm at work indoors on a beautiful day again, but at least at Black Theatre Workshop it's not a basement and the sunshine and fresh air comes in the windows. This morning I feel serene and calm and happy.

Two weeks until the end of year presentation opens, and then right after that, we're deep into rehearsals again in preparation for the Fringe show (it's entirely possible that I never mentioned that our YouthWorks Intermediate level group play got into the Montreal Fringe Festival this summer. We're very proud of them. But there's a lot of work to be done, and the end is nowhere in sight.)

Anyway, I'm still taking a week off in May, no matter what. I'm going to spend it my mom and I can't wait.

By the way: I've lost 41 pounds to date!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow 41 pounds, that's awesome! I need to lose another 10 or so myself. Those pesky love handles just want to stick around.