Monday, May 21, 2007


Yes Babies,

I was surely only four days away from a meltdown of Mariah Carey-sized proportions.

But then I hopped on a bus to Perth to meet Mom and some of her friends at their gorgeous cottage 3o feet up on a cliff overlooking a beautiful lake. Ah. And now I'm in the spare room at Mom's chillin' and about ready to curl up in bed with a Maeve Binchy book and just drift off into sleep again. Once again, Mom is always a cure for whatever ails me.

Work's been good and very productive (the show is going to be spectacular, I've tried my hand at choreography for the first time and it's really working out well) but nevertheless stressful at the same time. This past week I'm sure I lost a year off my life. However, all is well, nothing was broken that couldn't be fixed, and so here I am, enjoying a lovely getaway with Mom. We're going to eat beautiful healthy foods, go the gym, I'll do her nails and brush her hair, and we'll just ol' talk every day. Also, I'm going to get some colour on this body of mine. Hoo boy!

Man, my mom has become such a friend. I can tell her things I never thought I would, you know? I really feel that as much as I'm her daughter and that she'll always want to take care of me, spoil me (yeeeaaagghhh! h'ray!) and protect me, that she also trusts and respects me as a woman. I'm a lucky girl. I have so much love in my life (amazing family, terrific friends and wonderful colleagues), I have health and strength and beauty. I am a wealthy woman. I am so grateful, right now. I can't stop smiling. And the things in my life that are not yet as I would wish them, are really not so bad at all. When I think about it, I have everything I need, right now, and nothing but good things coming my way, if only I'll have the eyes to see them and recognize them. Even bad things can turn out for good.

I mean, when I consider my divorce, and how much that had hurt me and all that I had lost, I can't help but also think about what I have gained, and what I've been saved from. I believe with all of my heart that the very best incarnation of me is being made manifest in my life. Right now.

So, before I drift off to sleep, I'm going to tell you right now that I love you. I love you for staying with me over these past two years.

Also, if you wouldn't mind sending some positive helpful hopeful vibes that I regain my lost luggage, that would be great too. I know I'll get it back, and very soon, but hey, there is strength in numbers, right?

nighty night...*m'wah!*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

enjoy the rest and the vacation lucky you ... I am so jalous can't wait to thursday to leave myself.