Saturday, April 16, 2005

You asked for it...

Okey dokey Darlings! So here's the inaugural entry...

Hopefully, this may turn out to be a better way to keep in touch with my friends, because you all know the telephone is not working!

It's a brilliant day today, because in a few days, I will be finished with my teaching contract with Concordia: I've just got to give some feedback to my students and submit their grades to my supervisor over the next three days or so. Then I will rest! See friends! Face life! Get my hair done! Looks like upside down overcooked broccoli. Really need a touch-up. Hell-o.

Which of course also means that I'll be unemployed again until June. Poo. But never fear, darlings! The CV is underway, and surely I can find a part-time gig as an office drone that will still permit me to pursue all things artistic.
At least, I hope so.

Deep down, I hope to win the lottery. Or find a bag 'o cash on the street.

In the meantime, I'll keep going with my roster of voice and acting students on the side (hey, if you want to be one of my students or you know someone looking for a private coach, help a sister out!) because it's awesome! And I'm not too shy to say that I'm really quite good at it! In fact, two (possibly three) of my students are being accepted into the Concordia Theatre Program for September! I'm super happy, and wish I had champagne or something to celebrate it properly...(oh, and money to pay for said champagne)

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