Friday, July 15, 2005

Half-Blood Prince spoilers...Get your HBP spoilers right here!

I'm sitting here, kind of cheesed off because my one-stop shop for discussion of all things Harry Potter just got shut down because of some goofy people posting spoilers. not that spoilers bother me, I'm a big girl, and it wouldn't spoil the experience for me. To tell the truth, I'm going a little stir crazy waiting for the book to arrive chez nous on Saturday, so I'm devouring every editorial and half-baked theory out there on the net to tide me over. I actually began looking for spoilers. What's the big deal?
I mean, look at the great Greek tragedies. Right off the bat, from the very beginning, the choragos tells you what's going to happen in the play. But it doesn't spoil it for people, and they don't all go off home in a huff because the surprise is ruined. No, they stick around because the truly interesting thing is how it all unfolds. That's what makes a great storyteller, in my opinion.
Er, got any spoilers? Come on, give! (Oh oh, I'm starting to sound like a junkie...don't hate!)

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