Sunday, July 17, 2005

Whatta weekend!

Let me tell you, Friday night was something else, waiting in Chapters for the release of HBP. Oy. But I've finally gotten my book, and finished it. Heh heh...I'm fired up. It was neat to see how the things I anticipated played out, which events were complete surprises, how characters developed and short, it was nearly impossible to put down and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I'm not yet sad about waiting for the next book, but I figure I'm going to begin to get impatient for the final installment roughly a year from now. In the meantime, I'm just going to read and reread the series and marvel at how that woman can craft a story with care.

So the Funk Defenders show has come and gone, and it was actually quite fun! First of all, I didn't have to pile on a lot of makeup, wear sparkly stuff or high heels, and do girly girl choreography. Yeah baby, I wore running shoes! I refused to sidestep! I changed it up! I danced if I felt like it, the way I wanted to. And it was a nice change. Thanks to all of y'all who checked out the show!

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