Monday, September 25, 2006

Housewarming Update

It has been brought to my attention that the day I proposed for a housewarming party is a stupid one. October the 8th is Thanksgiving weekend. My family will be looking for me on that day.
So we'll do it same place, sime time the following Sunday, on the 15th. Y'all know how to reach me if you're coming.


Eileen turned me on to these Kooky Korean girls doing Karaoke, and I must tell you, it's fan-flippin-tabulous.

Check it out.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tam,

It's Gillianne. I'd love to "drop by" for a bit to your housewarming. I'll just be getting back from a conference in Virginia Beach so I don't know how "alive" I'll be. Thanks for the invite. I look forwrad to it!

By the way, love your "picks of the day". They're hilarious!

Bonne journée...

Gilly :o)