Thursday, September 21, 2006

Oh, and I've decided...

That I'm having my Housewarming Party on Sunday, October the 8th, at 3pm.
Y'all know how to reach me. RSVP and I'll give you the directions and whatnot.

I was going to wait until I'd finished decorating and painting and all, but I figured, if I just get on with it, I can get decorating advice and liquor and your company all at once. How can it possibly get better than that?

If you can't make it that day, let me know. I'll invite you to my Collective Hosing Party. (All you non-Canadians, get your minds outta the gutter, because we are gonna park ourselves on the


and the nefarious


and eat and drink and blather on...or not, if we decide to watch DVDs or play video games. Just basically be lazy as a group. Bacon pizzas are optional.) Date TBA.

Call me y'all or email me or something. Or not.

I have spoken.

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