Friday, September 01, 2006

Home again, home again...

Yee-HAW! I'm in my new apartment!

We were moving yesterday for 14 hours. We were four people sharing a truck and never more than nine people schlepping stuff at a time , but we got it done! It was nice to reconnect with people I haven't hung out with in awhile. There was a lot of pizza and beer that day. I will be content to not eat pizza again for many months, I think. As for the beer, I make no promises.

Over the course of the next week, I'll be cleaning up the apartment and unpacking because right now it looks CRAZY in there. I can't stand living in chaos.

Also, I can't wait to have a housewarming and to have you all come to visit! two weeks from now, for sure!
It's funny, now that I finally have my privacy and solitude, I'm much more willing to invite people to come into it and visit.

I love you and kiss you ALL, *m'wah! m'wah!*


Kay said...

I always think it's a good idea to set a date for the housewarming... it MAKES you get everything ready in time!

Tamara said...

I'm thinking of having more than one, actually. Not that I'm greedy, but I figure that my place is not well adapted to hold more than six or seven guests at a time.

Also, with smaller groups, maybe it diminishes the risk of stuff getting broken.

Anonymous said...

You know I'll be there on any appointed day with booze, food and my very own big mouth. :D