Saturday, September 30, 2006

Once you get over the weirdness of it,

it's really funny.

There's something about seeing Harry Potter being a slimy git hitting on older women that just cracks me up. Again, keep in mind that this is British humour and it's not for kids, but there's something really hilarious about watching Dan Radcliffe spoof himself. He's just so painfully awkward--you know, actually it reminds me (albeit vaguely) of the Ricky Gervais character on the Office.

I like this kid because he plays Harry Potter, appears to be a decent kid with his head together, and is growing up awfully cute in a geeky way. However, as much as I like this kid (and I do) I never really thought he was a particularly good actor before-I wanted to think he was a good actor, just on principle, but well, the reality is what it is.

Or so I thought.

It has since occurred to me that he might be aware of how stilted his acting has been in the past after watching him mock his bad acting from Harry Potter on the show. I guess it's a good thing that he's had the chance to get other acting gigs besides the HP series. You can see it, how he switches from the "film acting" and then turns into a complete and utter berk "offscreen". It is awesome. Har har.

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