Thursday, January 11, 2007

The latest updates...

I'm doing pretty awesome for the most part these days, really happy because I'm doing theatre again, feeling really healthy and energetic since I switched back to veganism, and positive about most things in general. I'm struggling with my time management and grieved to be not investing as much time in YouthWorks as I ought to, but it's hard. I'm really creatively and intellectually wiped out at the end of rehearsal. I love doing theatre so much though.

But I've gotta bite the bullet and get it together. Yeah, finances too. Momma's got bills to pay! Now there's money and I've just got to be responsible and stay on top of all that stuff. Try not to spend like a goof and have nothing to show for it like last year. This time, I will clear my Visa and take a significant chunk out of my student loan.

Other updates:

My darling sister Lianne has come through for me with some new demotivators for your consideration. This first one is a pretty seamless blend of my dad's and her sense of humour:

And then of course, there's:

I confess to having been a little slow to get the punchline of the next one. It was sort of an uhhhhAHHHHHHH!HA!HA!HA!HA! moment for me.

Which of course inspired me to new heights of pessimism and smart-assery.
Whaddaya think?

Love and kisses to all y'all!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I'm still working on submissions from the most recent family dinner. It's not easy finding the appropriate images to illustrate the twistedness of our sense of humor. Although the crushed beaver came close.