Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Apropos of nothing...

I forget where I heard it was bad form to post more than once in a day, but since you're all friends of mine, you know how tacky I am.

Anyway. I've been apartment hunting, and let me tell you, downtown apartments are expensive. But as long as it's cheaper than what I'm paying now, I will not complain. And since homelessness is not an option, I'm wrapping this mess up as of this week. No joke. Then and only then will I finally get around to phoning you all so that I can exploit you as movers. Heh.
Um, but it's not pure exploitation: I pay in lots of greasy, salty junk food! Or healthy food, if you prefer.

Anyway, I promise to have a housewarming party soon so that you can all compliment me on my lovely apartment and remark to yourselves how badly I've been ripped off.

But oh, to live alone! How fabulous! To finally be able to run around the apartment in my underwear! (well, I already do that, but now it won't be offensive to anybody!)

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