Tuesday, August 08, 2006

On the road again...

Yes indeedy, I'm back for two days from Atlantic City and a killer heatwave. My cocoa-caramel tan is beginning to fade as are all the wicked bug bites I sustained while there.

And guess what else? I still have to move! Crap. My landlords are not amenable to having me stay at my present apartment without a roommate, so now I've got to pull off a miraculous move in a matter of weeks. Like, two of them.

I'm going to trust to hope and serendipity and any other benevolent force in the universe to hook me up with a decent situation. Please send all of your good and positive vibes my way, and to those of you who pray, could you make out a few of those to the Big Guy on my behalf? Much appreciated.

Well, next stop, Hotlanta...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby, email me your budget and I'll look around for you.